A Prefabricated Shelter for Cyclists and Hikers.
PRISM is a Shelter, a Beacon, and a Sculptural Intervention.
Situated at regular intervals along a three-week, 4,400km long, scenic cycling route, the PRISMs prominent yet slender silhouette, paired with its distinctive visual branding and illumination, is designed to be instantly recognizable to weary cyclists from a distance. To everyone else, the reflective prismic forms are bold yet inherently contextual sculptural objects. The interior of the PRISM is utilitarian and uncluttered, designed to satisfy the basic requirements of shelter and safety, with an eye to providing a meditative space from which to experience the surrounding landscape. The entire structure becomes a carefully positioned visual frame.
During the day, each PRISMs polished exterior appears as a subtle distortion of space; An ephemeral form comprised primarily of reflected light. The linear slivers of space separating each of the origami-like arrangement of panels offer a glimpse into the interior of the shelter. As evening falls, and many of the cyclists along the route begin to search for shelter, the countenance of the PRISM transitions from folded/fractured surfaces to a tall pyramidic volume, it’s edges brightly outlined in light.
More than merely a place to shelter along the route, PRISM is a space for contemplation, meditation and rejuvenation.
The asymmetrical interior is inherently directional with the smaller of the two openings directed towards the cycle path with the larger openings located on the opposite side, framing the various grand vistas along the route
The minimalist interior is uncluttered but deceptively functional. Ample storage space is situated below the main deck and is accessible via removable floor panels. Durable nylon pulls, clearly indicate the storage functionality and lay flat when not in use.
Pegs located within arms reach encourage users to hang items they have not stored below deck, and help maintain a clear floor plane while movable benches stowed below the deck overhang provide additional lockable storage space.
Two layers of flexible fabric ( pourus netting, and weatherproof synthetic ) are located at the openings and are neatly gathered at edge-loop grommets along the edge of the structure when not in use.
PRISMs exterior is clad in cross-laminated lumber with an applied reflective film that mirrors it’s natural surroundings and breaks down the volume of the structure into shards of reflected landscape. The mirror effect is most prominent during the daytime, while evenings highlight the interior and exterior illumination of the units PRISM becomes a welcoming beacon for the weary cyclist along the route.